- Frequently Asked Questions -

What is S.E.A.T.S Farm ?

S.E.A.T.S Farm is Company Delivering high quality products from Cambodia within the country and to the world. S.E.A.T.S Farm is an agricultural production development project undertaken by S.E.A.T.S Inc.,a Japanese trading company in Cambodia.

What is campot pepper?

Kampot pepper, also known as “King of Spices” is a high-quality pepper variety cultivated in the Kampot and Kep provinces of Cambodia, located in Southeast Asia. It is renowned for its exceptional flavor, aroma, and unique characteristics, making it one of the most sought-after peppers in the culinary world.

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S.E.A.T.S Farm

S.E.A.T.S Farm

Delivering high quality products from Cambodia within the country and to the world.

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